Chapter Eindhoven '22


The Eindhoven region is the perfect place for software engineers because of its strong focus on technology and innovation, with leading companies such as ASML, Philips and NXP. As a developer, it is important to know your market value in this competitive region for better career opportunities and salaries. Are you from Eindhoven, Weert, Venlo, Roermond, Maastricht, Heerlen, Geleen, Venray, Valkenswaard, Helmond, or Sittard region, for example? If so, Team Rockstars IT will get you up and running quickly.

software engineering in Eindhoven

As a software engineer in the Eindhoven region, you are surrounded by technical innovation and groundbreaking developments. It’s like being in the middle of a technological storm, with Brainport as the epicenter. Here you’ll find the smartest people and the most innovative companies, and that means you need to know your market value as a software engineer to reap the benefits of this vibrant industry.

But it is not only technological innovation that makes Eindhoven so special. It is also the mentality of the people here. The Eindhoven native is practical, down-to-earth and direct, and this is reflected in the way software engineering is done here. We are known for our no-nonsense approach and our focus on delivering quality. This means that we take our work seriously and are 100% committed to our projects, without being distracted by unnecessary frills.

As a software engineer in the Eindhoven area, you can count on being surrounded by like-minded IT experts who will challenge and inspire you. Knowing your market value and knowing your worth will help you position yourself as a valuable contributor to this vibrant community and allow you to reap the benefits of all the opportunities the region has to offer.


What do our rockstars say?

From day 1, I felt welcome and was given every opportunity to develop myself.

Lotte, Software engineer

Working at Rockstars IT is special because it is an extremely dynamic company, brimming with enthusiasm, challenging projects and an abundance of knowledge.

Harrie, Software engineer

Burgundian cordiality and friendliness, that’s Chapter Eindhoven!

Nadine, Software engineer
Bas van de Pol

I myself used to be a developer, now I help them in their personal growth!

Bas, Talent manager
haal het beste uit jouw carrière

Craft your career.

No career path is the same. That’s why we offer jobcrafting, which means you can shape your career with us yourself. We believe in the power of knowledge, talent and personality, which is why we have our own development program called Rockademy.

Claudine Hanssen bij het bekende Rockstars Radje


As a software engineer, it is crucial to know your market value in Eindhoven because of the high demand for technical talent. Knowing your market value can help you negotiate salary and benefits, and can also help you feel confident and secure in your career.

Fill out the tool to find out what salary you should get as a software engineer. You will receive your market value from us within one business day at the 06 number you provided. If you wish, we will remove your number afterwards.

Wondering if you should be earning more? We are going to figure this out for you.

Meer verdienen met het

70/30 model

Working in Team Rockstars IT’s 70/30 model means no risk. You get a permanent contract right away and you always get the same fixed salary, even if you don’t have an assignment for a while.

Your fixed salary grows annually with your hourly rate. In addition to the fixed part, you will also earn a variable salary. This is the difference between the fixed revenue you get and your total 70% revenue.

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Thuishonk Eindhoven

MELT Eindhoven
Achtseweg Zuid 159R
5651 GW Eindhoven